The Wedding Where...

I Had to Buy a Prison Bra

Amanda Walck Ottinger Season 1 Episode 3

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One of the most hilarious and often retold story and the beginning of an adventure into doing prison weddings - the wedding where I had to buy a prison bra!

A great and very true story that I hope makes you laugh and some advice that would work for any future wedding (whether in a prison or not)!  

Do you have any experiences with the prison system and jailhouse elopements?  Did you also have to buy a prison bra or other prison approved piece of clothing? Do you have a wild wedding story that this reminded you of?  Feel free to share with me and we can laugh together!

Join me next week for a "The Wedding Where..." focused on holiday weddings and maybe why you should consider Friday the 13th for your anniversary and maybe staying away from holiday weekends.

Any links mentioned in the podcast can be found on my linktree:

Feel free to connect with me or the business on social media and send an email with any questions that you have - there will be a special episode each quarter for listener questions. 

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