The Wedding Where...

The Date Really Mattered

Amanda Walck Ottinger Season 1 Episode 4

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Episode 4 is a mix up and mash up of weddings that have happened on specific dates - holidays, anniversaries, unique numerical dates, and odd dates.  Some pros and cons that I have seen as an officiant as well as advice to couples who are wanting to marry on a date special to them but is in the middle of the week or a couple seeking a long holiday weekend because it is "easiest for everyone". 
Some insights on the weddings where the date was of utmost importance and how to navigate. 

Join in again next week for a more tradition "The Wedding Where..." story.

Any links mentioned in the podcast can be found on my linktree:

Feel free to connect with me or the business on social media and send an email with any questions that you have - I'm planning a listener question episode in late March.

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